Tuesday 14 August 2012

Latihan Tahun 3 - Soils

Part  A: Objective Question
A  Circle the correct answers.
Bulatkan jawapan yang betul.

1.       Soil contains living things and..
Tanah mengandungi benda hidup dan

A.      Insects
B.      Animal
C.      Non-living things
Benda bukan hidup

2.       Which thing cannot be found in garden soil?
Benda manakah yang tidak boleh didapati dalam tanah kebun?

3.       What is the colour of garden soil?
Apakah warna tanah kebun?

A.      Red
B.      Dark brown
Coklat gelap
C.      Yellowish

4.       Which of the following soil feels sticky when it’s wet?
Antara tanah berikut, yang manakah berasa melekit apabila basah?

A.      Clay
Tanah liat
B.      Sand
C.      Garden soil
Tanah kebun


The above picture shows a mixture of soil and water that has been allowed to settle. What is Q?
Gambar di atas menunjukkan satu campuran tanah dan air yang telah mendap. Apakah yang membentuk Q?

A.      Sand
B.      Stone
C.      Silt

( 5 markah )

Part B : Structure question
Label the layers of garden soil mix with water.
Labelkan lapisan-lapisan tanah kebun yang telah bercampur dengan air.


Tuesday 7 August 2012

Facts for Learning....

Fact 1....

       baby dogs are called puppies. All puppies are born with blue eyes, but their eyes turn a permanent colour when they are about one month old.....

Fact 2....

         A rabbit's long ears can turn in any direction to help it hear even the faintest sounds. Rabbits will thump their hind legs to let other rabbits know when they sense danger.

Fact 3...                                       


           Horses can lock their leg muscles into a stable standing position, so they can sleep standing up without falling over.

Fact 4...

           Baby  kangaroos are called joeys. Joeys are about the size of a human thumb when they are born. A joey will nurse and grow in its mother's pouch for almost one year.

Fact 5...

               Even though their fur is white, polar bears actually have black skin. Their dark skin helps to absorb the sun rays and keep them warm. Polar bears also have black noses and lips.                                         

Fact 6....

       Chameleons can turn their eyes separately in any direction. They can look behind them without turning their heads and even look forward with one eye and backward with the other...

Fact 7...

         Ants use their antennae, or feelers, to communicate with each other. when two ants touch feelers, they usually telling each other where to find food.